Vidalia Productions, established in 2023 by Irene Reynolds Schier, is a Swiss-registered independent film and video production company. We specialize in crafting immersive nature and cultural documentaries that transport viewers to the far reaches of our planet.
Irene’s journey began with the iconic photography and stories of adventure in National Geographic Magazin, kindling a lifelong passion for nature, travel, and cultural diversity. This interest led her to pursue a Master’s in Cultural Anthropology and Spanish, followed by a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Basel, Switzerland.
In 2017, Irene seized the opportunity to join FOP Films (Cape Town, South Africa) as a shareholder, and she immersed herself in every facet of filmmaking. She participated in film shoots across Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and the USA and managed logistics for a shoot in Indonesia. She was deeply involved in post-production, marketing and industry representation at film festivals or TV markets such as MIPTV in Europe and Africa.
These rich experiences inspired her to establish Vidalia Productions – a platform for Irene to bring her unique cinematic vision to life.